Club History

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History of The Rotary Club of Humble Intercontinental.

On April 6, 1967, Dalton Hammock of the sponsoring Northeast Houston Rotary Club called to order an organizational meeting of the Humble Provisional Rotary Club. At this meeting, officers and directors were elected and another meeting scheduled for the following week: Those elected were as follows: President, Dayne O'Kelley: Vice President, N. R. Dickson; Sec.-Treasurer; Dwayne McGaughey; Sergeant at Arms; Jack Fields. All officers were to serve as directors and two additional directors, H. E. McKay, M.D., and Rev. B. R. Wimberley. were elected.

At the April 19, 1967 meeting of the Humble Provisional Rotary Club. two major accomplishments were attained. First, a permanent name, Humble-Intercontinental Rotary Club was adopted. and secondly. a list of charter members made. Those listed as charter members were : Homer Combs, Jack Fields, Rick Dickson, H. E. McKay, M. D. , Grady Simmons, Lester Winter, D, B. McDonald, Troy L. Marler, Edwin B. Kersh, Rev. B. R. Wimberley, Jim L. Strader, Donald R. Clark, K. Dwayne McGaughey, Joe M.Walker, C. B. (Buck) Lindsey. Fred Underwood, John Hoyt, Wayne Robbins, E. W.(Sonny) Robbins, George Pilgreen, George E.. Turner, and Dayne O'Kelley. After a few months it was decided that an experienced Rotarian was needed to aid in laying a better foundation for the club.Working in the area was Dale Wherry, a past president of Rotary Ciubs in San Antonio and Donna, Texas. He agreed to come as president and proved to be an invaluable asset in the early growth and establishment of the club.

The club has been served since its inception by the following presidents: Dayne O'Kelley, 1967: Dale Wherry, 1967 -1968; John Hoyt, 1968-1969; H. E. McKay, N{.D., 1969-1970; Jack Fields, 1970-1971 Earl Domengeaux , 1917-1912; Rev. B. R. Wimberley, l97 2-197 3 ; Leroy Page, 1973-1974;Thomas E. Richards, 1974-1975; F. M. Hall, 1975; J. Alford Moore, D.V.M.. 1975-1976; George E. Turner, 1976-1977.

Through the years, the club has sponsored a number of projects. Major fund-raising projects have been the annual spaghetti supper held in conjunction with the Humble High School Basketball Tournament each December, and the publication of the Humble High School football program. Major contributions made by the club have been to the Octavia Fields Memorial Library, Ellen B. Lane Center in the Aldine Independent School District, Humble High School Athletic Department, Boy Scouts of America and the area little leagues. In 1973 vocational scholarships were initiated at Humble High School and MacArthur High School. Each year since that time the club has given these scholarships to deserving young people in need of funds to attend a vocational training school. The club currently has 61 members and does much in the way of public service and leadership.

Written circa 1977 by the Daughters of the American Republic in an article in a book about the history of Humble