Continue Your Financial Success!

We combine in-house investment management with experienced retirement planning for individuals and ERISA consulting for the fidiciaries of company retirement plans.


Our individual clients receive actively managed portfolios and personal counsel on a broad range of financial issues to help them reach, then sustain their retirement goals. Because we personally select stocks, bonds and other portfolio securities, we stay closely attuned to the financial markets.  By consolidating investment selection with financial planning, our clients avoid the layering of costs associated with many advisors.  We work harder to achieve bottom-line results and bring focus to a successful future. 


Business clients receive in-depth 401(k) plan consulting and fiduciary services. We combine investment expertise with a strong ERISA background. From plan design to ongoing investment fund due diligence, compliance reviews and vendor supervision, we serve as an unbiased resource to protect plan officials and keep qualified plans running smoothly.


We are independent and accept no commissions.  Each client enjoys a relationship they can trust without conflicts of interest.


Continuing your financial success is always our top priority!